San Francisco State University
Bachelor of Creative Art(Cinema) (1999-2002)
2nd major of Japanese (2006-2007)
Maya, Adobe Photoshop, Mudbox, After Effects, UV layout
Character modeler, encyclopedia pictura, DIY project, 2012
: Main character Raccoon, and sub characters, coyote, sparrow, and turtle
Character Modeler, CAPCOM VS MARVEL, U.S.A & Japan 2011
: Posing and sculpting of Wolverine & Sentinel (Cinematic) TGS 2011
Marvel VS Capcom 3
Modeler - Digitrove, San Francisco U.S.A 2009
: Modeling Bicycle, Monterey Bay Aquarium - "Change for the Oceans"
Marvel VS Capcom 3
Change for the Oceans"